8. jan. 2019  Düsseldorf / Germany

Schwarzkopf Million Chances Award 2018

Publication of the first Schwarzkopf Million Chances Award videos

For the first time, Schwarzkopf honored four winners of the Million Chances Award on November 7, 2018 in Düsseldorf. The winners are the “Desert Flower Foundation”, founded by human rights activist Waris Dirie, the initiative “Girls' Day” and the association “Social Business Women”. The winner of the public voting is the association "Frauen in Bewegung". The emotional videos are now publicly available.

In the context of the official award ceremony, the winners were able to comment in detail on their project and their initiative to strengthen girls and women for the first time. In emotionally strong and informative interviews, the representatives talk about their respective motivation to start projects close to their heart and about their goals. Success stories illustrate how "female empowerment" can often be strengthened with a lot of commitment – and how important this help will be in the future – in the face of drastic disadvantages for women, such as in the professional world, high illiteracy rates for girls and young women, forced marriages, domestic violence, and genital mutilation.

Find out everything about the winners, their projects and their successes in the videos.

All information about the award and the award categories can be found online at https://www.schwarzkopf.de/de/highlights/award.html

All information about the Schwarzkopf initiative Million Chances can also be found online at https://www.schwarzkopf.de/de/highlights/unsere-vision.html

Global commitment of the Schwarzkopf Initiative Million Chances

Strengthening the self-confidence of girls and women worldwide and offering them new perspectives in everyday life – this kind of "female empowerment" is the mission of the Schwarzkopf Million Chances initiative: In cooperation with the aid organization Plan International Deutschland e.V., projects for school and vocational training in Egypt, Colombia, and China are supported. In Europe, Russia, and Asia – to name just a few countries – the initiative supports disadvantaged girls and women in the fields of health and education with the aim of helping them to regain more self-confidence. Together with the social enterprise Plastic Bank, the initiative promotes collection centers to combat the problem of plastic waste in the oceans and at the same time supports the local population on Haiti: Ocean Plastic can be exchanged there for cash and non-cash benefits. The collected plastic waste is sorted, further processed and then returned to industry as recycled Social Plastic®. Women take up the offer and can thus earn an additional income.


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Desert Flower Foundation

Female empowerment begins with education – and that is precisely the mission of the Desert Flower Foundation. To give girls a chance at a better future and protect them from female genital mutilation, Desert Flower Foundation founder Waris Dirie is personally involved in broadening the access to education in Africa.

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Girls’ Day

The world’s largest professional orientation initiative, Girls’ Day, is committed to helping girls and young women identify their job prospects and possibilities for the future. Elisabeth Schöppner, project manager at the German national coordination office for Girls’ Day, talks about the founding of the initiative and its goals for the future.

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Social Business Women

“Fall down, stand back up, straighten your crown”: This is the motto with which the Social Business Women initiative supports women through career transitions or helps them improve their professional prospects. Gabriele Möhlke, Chairwoman of Social Business Women, provides insight into the work of this charitable association.

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“Frauen in Bewegung”

Violence against women is an issue that this association’s founder, Sunny Graff, has made into her personal mission. Her organization offers self-defense and violence prevention programs to empower girls and women at any age.